A series of live shows presented based on the life experiences of Arietta Ward and her unique placement in the music community of Portland, Oregon.
She is the eldest child of one of the most influential musicians & educators of the Region, legendary pianist, the late Janice Marie Scroggins.
As a bandleader, dynamic performer & storyteller, her ability to weave memories has become one of her signatures during her performances. This platform would be a more intimate extension of her observations and story of her evolution into the entertainer she is today through music, tears & humor.
This is what you would call a Year in review, reflection edition of Transformation. Special guests include LaRhonda Steele, MaryEtta Callier & Tony Ozier. It is also a LIVE TAPING with funding in part by the Regional Arts & Cultural Council. It will be a beautiful time. so head over to Alberta Street Pub and get your tickets NOW!